Thank you Lucy for taking part in the Swim Serpentine Challenge to swim a mile on the 14th September What an amazing day! Water was 15.9 degrees and it was indeed chilly and choppy.

“I made it round the mile in exactly 1 hour! Knowing what a difference the donations will make to the Butterfly Avm charity kept me going! Thank you all for your support. It was such a well organised and positive event for everyone swimming today!

I am raising money for a charity that is close to her heart. 2 years ago a close friend’s life suddenly changed forever. Age 37 with her own family she has been diagnosed with an in-operable AVM. Treatment has taken place but there is no cure for AVM’s if they are unable to take them out of the brain. She has found The Butterfly AVM Charity the first specific AVM charity in the UK along her journey of living with her AVM. The charity has been a lifeline to her and her family.”

You can still donate HERE